
Tips to Keep Kids Busy While Working from Home



Complements of: Marie Peppers LPN of Remote Learning Services, LLC

Are you a work at home mom (WAHM)?  These days, moms working from home has become quite a movement.

This trend has gained momentum allowing moms to balance careers and nurturing their children without needing to compromise on daycare expenses or precious time spent together.


If you are a WAHM you may be asking yourself “How can I be productive working from home with kids?”


Real Mom Tips to Get Work Done with Kids at Home


Working at home with children is no walk in the park.

We rounded up some real answers from WAHM’s and boy are there some superhero mums out there!

In all my chats with moms, the underlying theme is the time frame to keep a child busy is very limited.  Moms unanimously agree that a child’s engagement in an activity typically lasts around 20-30 minutes. Here’s what they share to keep things going throughout the day.

Alexandria Sztabor, Remote Assistant from North Carolina, and mother of two says she always wakes up before her kids.  Alexandria emphasizes the importance of getting up early to prepare and get ready for the day.  According to her, routine is key.  She admits the day is usually unpredictable and to keep things smooth she has plenty of snacks on hand.  Additionally, one of her favorite activities involves a sensory table, which she finds works well with her children.

Makena Wilhelmsen lives in Hawaii and is a mother of a 2-year-old and a 3-week-old.  This work from home mom says her biggest tip is to set alarms to get back to work and stay on track.  Frequently, she notices that when kid-related distractions occur, she tends to lose her sense of time.   Makena says her two-year-old’s ultimate jam is playdough, and this activity is her top choice.  She takes her laptop out to the patio, sets up shop, and lets her little artist dive into the world of playdough creations while she works through her emails and work-related tasks.


More Helpful Tips to Be Productive Working from Home with Kids


Setting realistic expectations and developing a healthy mindset about how the day will go is essential.

There will be plenty of interruptions! 

It is doubtful you will get 8 solid hours of work done.  Setting a few ground rules for yourself is the first step to winning the WAHM game.


  1.  Keep your leadership and your team informed about when you will be working.

If you are afraid to tell your boss your kids are at home with you, don’t be.  Chances are you are not the only mom working from home with kids.

Be upfront with your leadership that you are working from home with children.  This is a professional courtesy and the right way to earn trust with your employer.  Good communication is a valuable professional skill and will help your leader to support you.

Some important things to remember, do not disappear or walk away from your computer for long periods of time without communicating that you are stepping away.


  1. Create a schedule: 


Developing a routine will condition everyone to stay on track and minimize chaos.

Have a morning routine.  Get up and get dressed like you are going to work. Be consistent with the routines such as breakfast, snack time, lunch, and naptime.   Break up the day into timed activities.

Look at your daily calendar and plan short breaks to set up activities for the kids, make lunch, or do snack time.


Get a timer with a fun-sounding buzzer (cow sounds or rooster sounds) or a timer with a big face for the numbers.  Make this a game or a teaching opportunity.

Set rules for the timer game!  Explain to children not to interrupt you until the timer goes off.

Remind them to stay in the activity area or play area until the rooster crows or the cow says “mooooooo”.  Kids love this!

  1. Designate the kid zone and the office zone:


Remember children need boundaries to feel safe and constant reminding.  Teaching them the difference between your office space and their kid zone teaches them what is off-limits.

Define for you and the children what is not allowed in the office space.


Let them make a fun rule about what is not allowed in the kid zone.  For example, mommy cannot do any work in the kid zone.  Kid zones are for fun only!

Create entertaining rule charts as arts and crafts activities in the kid zone, and design artistic rule charts for your office space.



50 No-Screen Activities for Kids to Do While You Work at Home


Here is an ultimate list of ideas to keep the kiddos entertained while you work:

  1. Educational treasure hunts: ABC hunt, number hunt, outdoor animal hunt (squirrels, birds, butterflies etc.), find things to be grateful for, spot shapes, use five senses, “draw what you see” hunt
  2. Make a craft
  3. Putting on a play for their stuffies
  4. Build a fort
  5. Create a “bored” bucket: Throw jumbo popsicle sticks into a bucket- Grab a sharpie and jot down boredom-busting activities onto the popsicle stick.
  6. Puzzles
  7. Do sidewalk chalk
  8. Indoor Sensory bin: cheerios, beans, pasta, rice
  9. Outdoor sensory bin: water, sand, flour, potting soil
  10. Bird seed sensory bin: kids love to run their fingers through it
  11. Outside Water table: put water in a red wagon or plastic bin with sponges, strainers, measuring cups, funnels, and bath toys!
  12. Nature sensory bin: gather items from the backyard like flowers, leaves, twigs, grass, moss
  13. Water Painting
  14. Have them fold laundry
  15. Issue them chores and make them fun and rewarding- sweeping/mopping/dusting
  16. Coloring
  17. Write Letters
  18. Paper airplane challenge
  19. Write/Draw a thank you note
  20. Make a card for a family member
  21. Make a card for the pet
  22. Domino chain
  23. Create with cardboard boxes
  24. Have a tea party
  25. Have a dinner party
  26. Build a block city
  27. Balloon volleyball
  28. Read books
  29. Give them workbooks.
  30. Stamping
  31. Stickers
  32. Paper Dolls
  33. Rock painting
  34. Playdough
  35. Bubbles
  36. Clothespin Puppets
  37. Dress up
  38. Matching games
  39. Hospital for stuffies: Have them care for sick stuffies.
  40. Magnet Boards
  41. Hopscotch
  42. Give them a busy book.
  43. Ice cubes
  44. Science Experiments
  45. Pillow fun
  46. Lacing cards
  47. Give them plastic Easter eggs and fun things to fill them with and shake them.
  48. Play post office with envelopes, markers, stamps, shoe box, and construction paper!
  49. Give them a felt board with fun pieces such as animals, houses, cars, and people.
  50. Call Grandma!

At the end of the day, the true essence of parenthood lies in embracing spontaneity and going with the flow. Embrace the moments of laughter and unforeseen surprises and allow yourself to release the grip of expectations.

Cherish the unique blend of challenges and joys that working from home with your kids brings – it’s a beautiful tapestry that reflects the dynamic world of both parenting and professional growth.


Remote Nursing Careers:  Marie Peppers Online Courses

If you’re interested in discovering how to land a work-from-home job, a great way to start is by enrolling in Marie Peppers online courses that offer the necessary training for getting hired.

Marie Peppers Remote Learning Courses provides a transformative guide designed to equip you with the skills and confidence to embrace remote nursing opportunities.

These courses can equip you with the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.




About the Author:  Sarah Tapia RN



Sarah is not your average nurse.  With a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration and 12 years of nursing experience, Sarah has mastered the art of combining expertise and passion to provide exceptional care.

With an unwavering passion for healing and a natural gift for the written word, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge to her writing.  Her profound understanding of nursing, coupled with her bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration, sets her apart as a trusted authority in the field.  Sarah’s writing skillfully illuminates her deep understanding of the complexities of healthcare systems to the intricacies of patient care.

Her writing is infused with warmth and compassion inviting you to unlock your true potential and embrace a life of vitality, purpose, and limitless well-being.  Get ready to be enlightened and transformed.